Club Development
New Club Affiliation Procedure
Clubs and training centres are the lifeblood of sailing in Ireland, and we are delighted when new clubs are formed. Irish Sailing is here to help. Please review the club and class affiliation options listed below. The applications to affiliate are considered by The Irish Sailing Board of Directors, following which Clubs will be informed of the decision.
To apply for affiliation please complete the form below and email it to and include ...
- A copy of your constitution/articles of association
- A list of your Members (electronic version preferred). Please note this list should include the following information member’s name, address, phone and email details and club membership category.
- A copy of any recent Club/Class publications
- Club Affiliation Application Form
Clubs that affiliate after the end of September will not be invoiced for fees for the remainder of that year, but will be given temporary Affiliation Status (subsequent to approval from the Board) until the following March when fees will be due.
For information about subscription rates or if you have any questions regarding affiliation, please contact
Irish Sailing Clubs (Category 1)
Irish Sailing Clubs are constituted clubs in the Republic of Ireland, with open membership, which are engaged in the organisation of sailing and/or leisure boating activities for their members. All Irish Sailing Clubs affiliate as a Category 1 Club, unless at the discretion of the Irish Sailing Board of Directors they affiliate as a National Organisation or Local Organisation.
Subscription Rates to Irish Sailing (subject to change)
2% Club Subscription income subject to max €1,500
10% club membership sub subject to max: €15 per Junior, €30 per Ordinary, €50 per Family, €10 all other paying categories.
(The Minimum Category 1 Club affiliation fee payable is equal to Category 3 Club Affiliation fee)
National Organisations (Category 2)
A National Organisation is a club, association or similar body that is committed to working with the Irish Sailing on a nationwide basis, to promote sailing and/or boating activities for specific strategic interest groups at national level.
There are currently four types of Category 2 National Organisations affiliated to Irish Sailing:
Racing Organisation
Education Third Level
Cruising Organisation
Subscription Rates to Irish Sailing (subject to change)
Category 2 Fees – Set by arrangement with the Irish Sailing Board of Directors
Local Organisations (Category 3)
Local Organisations are associations, companies, schools, committees, societies or incorporated bodies, which have as one of their objects the organising, co-ordinating or teaching of sailing and/or leisure boating for people who may, or may not be members of a Club. Clubs located outside the Republic also affiliate as Local Organisations.
There are currently four types of Category 3 Local Organisations affiliated to Irish Sailing:
Education Second Level
Northern Ireland Club
Local Club
Racing Organisation
Subscription Rates to Irish Sailing (subject to change)
Set by Irish Sailing board of Directors (Currently €250)
Class Associations (Category 4)
Class Associations are organisations that are committed to the promotion of participation and/or competition, on a nationwide basis in a particular class or classes of boat.
Subscription Rates to Irish Sailing (subject to change)
Set by Irish Sailing board of Directors (Currently €190)