The Royal North of Ireland Yacht Club (RNIYC) will this year host the Irish Sailing 2024 Senior Champions Cup over the weekend of the 5th & 6th October.
Nomination forms have now been issued via email to the relevant class associations, who in turn will nominate some member(s) (if applicable) for consideration for the eigthteen places which are available at the championship. As is always the case, the objective is to try and get representation from as many classes as possible, while acknowledging that the classes with large numbers competing in their National championships will be also recognised with proportionate representation.
There is a wealth of talent across our adult sailing community in the country and this is an ideal opportunity for many of Irelands top competitors to do battle against their peers from the different classes.
Should you have any queries or questions regarding the event and receipt of a nomination form, please email Irish Sailing Racing Manager, Stephen O Shaughnessy at .
The deadline for the return of completed nomination forms is 12:00pm on Friday 6th September.