Here are just a few of the organisations and initiatives that may interest you ...

Turn the Tide on Plastic
We all know the need to reduce the amount of plastics in our seas and oceans. Each year at least eight million tonnes of plastic leak into the ocean; it’s time to take action.
Irish Sailing has taken the Clean Seas “Turn the Tide on Plastic” pledge which will see us working to reduce the amount of plastics we use in all the events we host.
That includes looking at things like using recyclable or biodegradable materials for events, from promotional materials to catering, and thinking proactively about how small changes can impact positively.
To find out more and how you can pledge go to

Clean Coasts
The Clean Coasts is programme run by An Taisce and has a number of initiatives and campaigns you can join to make a difference -
- Join your local Clean Coast group or set one up
- #2minute Beach Clean
- Think before you flush
- Beat the Micro Bead
- A wide variety of competitions, talks and awards.
Take a browse through to find a programme that fits your life

Sailors For The Sea
Sailors For The Sea is a non profit organisation that helping to share a greater awareness of how to care for our oceans. One of their initiatives is Clean Regattas, which will give you and your events ...
- Best Practice Guides
- Green Team advice
- Publicity Advice
- Certification
Find out more here
The Ocean Race Sustainability Message
The The Ocean Race spread the message of plastic pollution as they sailed round the world with ...
- Ocean Summits
- Education Programmes
- Impact and Footprint assessments and much much more ...
You can see all the action and ideas on how you can make a difference here