Emergency Care Courses

While Irish Sailing do not schedule or run Emergency Care/First Aid courses directly the information supplied below is a list of providers that Irish Sailing are aware meet criteria* required for persons training to become Irish Sailing Instructors.  This list also includes the Approved Training Course Providers under STCW 78 for Commercial Endorsement Licences (as per Marine Notice No. 01 of 2015)

Please note that this is not a definitive list and will be amended as and when new information becomes available.

 We also recommend that you consult with your local Irish Sailing Club and Training Centres, your local Sports Partnership and your local first aid providers.

 *Course Criteria for Irish Sailing Instructors

For Irish Sailing Instructors the Emergency Care / First Aid Course attended must meet the following criteria:

•    The course must be a minimum of 8 hours long (this can be done over 2 sessions);
•    The course must cover CPR; and
•    The course must cover Hypothermia (cold water shock).

We recommend that you discuss with your chosen course provider the specific criteria required before confirming your place on the course.


County Provider Website Email Phone Suitable For
Cork BIM Regional Fisheries Centre www.bim.ie rfccastletownbere@bim.ie +353 27 70450
+353 27 70858
Commercial Endorsement Applicants
Cork All Safety Training



Mobile: 087-6792295

Commercial Endorsement Applications
Cork Chris Mee Safety Engineering (CMSE) www.cmse.ie info@cmse.ie +353 21 4978100 Commercial Endorsement Applicants
Cork Irish Marine Training www.irishmarinetraining.com
+353  86 875-8652 Irish Sailing Instructors
Cork National Maritime College of Ireland www.nmci.ie annette.coughlan@ncmi.ie +353 21 4970600
+353 21 4970601
Commercial Endorsement Applicants
Donegal Effective Offshore info@effectiveoffshore.ie +353 74 9135999 Commercial Endorsement Applicants
Donegal BIM National Fisheries College www.bim.ie nfcgreencastle@bim.ie +353 77 81068
+353 77 81099
Commercial Endorsement Applicants
Donegal The Seamanship Centre www.seamanship.ie info@seamanship.ie +353 86 893 7225 Commercial Endorsement Applicants
Dublin BIM Marine Services Division www.bim.ie training@bim.ie +353 1 2144100 Commercial Endorsement Applicants
Heart Safety Solutions www.hearts.ie info@hearts.ie 1850 432787 Commercial Endorsement Applicants
Dublin Irish Offshore Training www.irishoffshoresailing.com
085 7217835
Irish Sailing Instructors 
Dublin 18 Sea & Shore Safety Services www.seaandshore.ie info@seaandshore.ie +353 1 2955991 Irish Sailing Instructors Commercial Endorsement Applicants
Dublin Venturesafe www.venturesafe.ie
info@venturesafe.ie 087-9871246 Commercial Endorsement Applicants
Dublin and South East ASL Safety & Training  www.aslsafety.com info@aslsafety.com Dublin (01) 5312455
South East (0402) 33505
Commercial Endorsement Applicants
Galway Bow Waves www.bowwaves.com info@bowwaves.com +353 91 560560 Commercial Endorsement Applicants
Galway Byrne Medical https://www.byrnemedical.net/
087 9088464
Irish Sailing Instructors
Heartbeat Safety Ltd. www.heartbeat.ie info@heartbeat.ie +353 59 8623975 Commercial Endorsement Applicants
Nationwide Atlantic Coast Lifeguards www.atlanticcoastlifeguards.com
muirti@live.ie +353 86 2597688 Irish Sailing Instructors 
Nationwide Brett Medical Solutions   info@brettmedicalsolutions.ie
+353 868369783
Irish Sailing Instructors
Nationwide Leisure Training Ireland www.leisuretraining.ie info@leisuretraining.ie
   Irish Sailing Instructors
Nationwide Order of Malta http://www.orderofmalta.ie courses@orderofmalta.ie +353 1 6140035 Irish Sailing Instructors
Nationwide RECFIRSTAID Ltd. (Rescue Emergency Care) www.recfirstaid.eu admin@recfirstaid.eu +353 21 2340009 Irish Sailing Instructors
Remote Emergency Care http://www.remotemedic.iewww.remotemedic.ie
info@remotemedic.ie +353 83 8176808 Irish Sailing Instructors
Offaly Ollie Hayes Training Ltd. olliehayes@gmail.com
+353 86 8213939
Irish Sailing Instructors
Wexford First Aim http://www.firstaim.ie info@firstaim.ie +353 53 9422330 Commercial Endorsement Applicants

To register with Irish Sailing as an approved provider please submit you course title, course duration an outline course programme to training@sailing.ie