Advanced Instructor Endorsement


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Advanced Sailing Instructor

The Advanced Sailing Instructor Endorsement is the qualification required to deliver the advanced modules of the Small Boat Sailing Scheme;
- Advanced Boat Handling
- Start Racing
- Adventure Sailing
- Kites & Wires
- Coastal Navigation for Small Boats

The Advanced SBSS Instructor endoresment is based on your instructorship boat-type; Dinghy, Keelboat or Catamaran.
If you hold multiple SBSS boat-type instructorships, they will each be upgraded after successfully completing an advanced instructor upgrade.
The upgrade will re-validate all SBSS instructor qualifications for a period of 5 years.

The range of skills covered in the SBSS Advanced syllabus demands a high level of personal skill in a wide range of boats along with a significant depth of background knowledge.
Personal skills and knowledge is assessed by means of pre-course submissions and evaluation throughout the course. It is important to be aware that candidates presenting without the required level of skills or knowledge may fail the course and will be required to undertake the full course again to achieve certification.

Preparing for SBSS Advanced Instructorship

Advanced Sailing Instructor Pre-Requisites:

  • Valid SBSS Instructorship.
  • 20-days logged teaching experience including a minimum of 5-days of Improving Skills course.
  • Submission of an Improving Skills course programme.
  • Submission of x1 shorebased and x1 waterbased Improving Skills session plan.
  • Submission of a sailing CV to reflect personal sailing experience across the modules, to include;
    - x6 sessions in a kites & wires boat with experience using both symmetric and asymmetric spinnakers.
    - x6 sessions in more than 18-knots of wind.
    - x6 sessions in alternative boats eg. keelboats, day-sailors, tall-ships, accessibility boats, traditional rigged sailing boats, windsurfing, kite-surfing.
    - x12 races logged (keelboat and/or dinghy) in club or open events.
    - x3 day trips (of at least 5-hours afloat) with a logged passage/pilotage plan from 1 of these trips.
    - x20 hours logged powerboating providing rescue/mark laying duties; please note any rescues.
    - x2 races assisting on the committee boat.
  • Safety Boat Certificate (personal).
  • Sport Ireland Safeguarding 1 (Child Protection) Certificate.
  • Valid First-Aid Certificate.
  • Garda Vetting clearance via Irish Sailing.

Certificate Validity - 5 years (and will also revalidate all existing SBSS Instructorships).
Course Duration - 4 days.
Course Bookings - via host Training Centre.

Nothing suitable scheduled?
Expression of Interest HERE.



Advanced Powerboat Instructor

The Advanced Powerboat Instructor Endorsement is the qualification required to deliver the advanced modules of the National Powerboat Training Scheme.
- Intermediate Powerboat Certificate
- Advanced Powerboat Certificate
- Coastal Navigation for Small Boats

Advanced Powerboat Instructor Pre-Requisites:

Certificate Validity - 5 years (and will also revalidate all existing NPTS Instructorships).
Course Duration - 4 days.
Course Bookings - via host Training Centre.

Nothing suitable scheduled?
Expression of Interest HERE.